
Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012

Barbara Fragogna My Cage Is Your Palace-TachelesBiennale2012

Mittwoch 01.08.2012 - 19.00.h - Emerson Gallery Berlin Schiffbauerdamm 19
Barbara Fragogna
My Cage Is Your Palace Project Hommage à Orvar

@ BUONGIORNO e ARRIVEDERCI | INTERMEZZO Lato A Opening: Wed 1.8 | 7 pm

Tacheles Biennale 2012 13.02-01.12.2012

Special Event: FOOD TRANSLATION by Panem et Circenses > la volontà di tradurre l'opera dell'artista attraverso il linguaggio del cibo.

Emerson Gallery Berlin
Schiffbauerdamm 19
1.8 - 11.8.2012
Tue-Fri 14-19 Sat 14-18 and by appointment

My Cage Is Your Palace

There have been moments
-When I felt in the mood-
That I’ve lost consciousness
To be aware of life
So I said: “You’re welcome!”
Through an overwhelmed
explosion of enthusiasm.
There’s been an icicle falling right there,
On the top of my skull.
The head was big,
Better I would say long, in a torpedo’s shape.
I was ashamed but I didn’t know why.
I asked you please to step by.
Introduced to my tongue
You climbed down
To the centre of the house.
There you’ve found a beating muscle
In a suitable red dressing
Jumping bright, dumped and happy.
The house was me,
Built on concrete, flesh and bones.
All melt together by an intense
Burst of passion, desire and love.
Everybody’s been able to notice the wild forest
In the middle of the hall,
The gate is wide open,
Like my stomach
Waiting to host the Host.
I’ve recognized in you the similar,
The equal fantasy
And it was true.
So you climbed even more
Sinking down below
To reach the other centre
Of this architectural wonder.
You discovered a pulsing flower
Crying for you to enter its garden.
You brought me water.
I gave you a flavour, a scent, the essence.
I was embraced by thunder,
My soaking vibration.
You left me a note:
“See you next life.”
I died right there
And in a second
I was born again.
My new life is now,
Special guests crowd the house
Celebrating the newborn emotion.
They toast sipping holy-bloody-good wine.
I still feel my mind
To be bigger than this Cage.
I still feel these arms
To be shorter than you all.
But you breathe the fresh air in my Palace
Because there’s no ceiling,
nor roof at the top.

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_>>> *international support ...Italy/Spain/Greece/
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ momentanes Brauchtum im Tacheles:
____>>>> TACHELES BIENNALE 2012 ******************************************************************************

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